Who We Are 

Together We're English



Our lifelong experience with the English language, and our sincere appreciation for the opportunities it can provide, are delivered to you with great attention and thought. We come with a passion for teaching as real-world, living examples of what it takes to succeed as students and professionals. 

Jennifer Woods B.Ed.

Jennifer is a professional educator with a Bachelor of Education degree and 8 years of teaching experience. Her passion for effective teaching and propelling students to achieve their dreams are the driving force behind what we do. As a native English speaker who's lived her entire life in multiple Canadian cities, your English goals are in safe hands to reach their destination.

Dan Woods M.A.

Dan is a corporate professional with a Masters degree in legal studies, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in law and political science. With over 20 years of experience in professional sales, marketing and business, he offers insight into the level of English fluency it takes to succeed in multiple avenues of professional life. You can find Dan on our complimentary social media lessons.

How Our Story Meets Yours


We bring a wealth of English knowledge and real world success, along with extensive teaching and educational experience.  However, what we offer is less about who we are and more about what we can do for you.

Together we can help you transform your life through improving your English fluency and allowing you to translate everything you can be into a future of possibilities. We're here to make your potential a reality. 


The Latest Lessons

English Fluency Secret (What Sets Fluent Speakers Apart from Beginners)


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Similar Phrases with Different Meanings


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12 Effective Strategies to Improve Your English!

12 effective strategies to help you make measurable, consistent improvements in your ability to read, write, speak and listen to English. 

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