

English for the Ambitious (Advanced English to Grow Your Vocabulary)

Have you ever wondered why highly successful people are where they are, how you can mirror them or even how to identity and articulate the admirable traits within yourself? If you have let’s take a close look at the most foundational building blocks of ambitious character and what turns ambition into success.

Successful entrepreneurs, businesses executives, political figures and creative minds are often conscientious. Conscientious people are those wishing to do what’s right. They go about their business with integrity. They’re responsible, hard working and goal oriented but also aware of what’s right. They don’t need to be told what’s noble, good or considered a job well done. This means that they’re empathetic and considerate of people and the way they’re impacting those they effect emotionally and physically. They’ve fostered their own emotional intelligence and have the discipline to reflect on what’s within their control. Discipline is the next character trait cornerstone.

Disciplined people show a controlled and methodical form of behaviour. They’re self-starters who fight the urge to procrastinate and reliably take the small, daily steps required to achieve long term goals. They have internal standards and are driven by something that gives them meaning and motivation, something that they tap into that gives their will to succeed purpose. Discipline requires you to clarify your own reason why. People with discipline are able to manage their time effectively. If there are tasks that you know you need to do, you need to be able to fit them into your day. Having this ability to prioritize your goals involves an element of effective decision making. This brings us to the next characteristic, decisiveness.

Decisive people are able to make quick and effective decisions and execute according to their vision of what’s possible. This doesn’t mean they have official authority but that they’re capable of thinking through the logical consequences of pivotal situations and making rational choices. They’re able to focus on what’s truly important and the factors that will influence how different scenarios will play out. They take action when it’s necessary, and truly successful people take responsibility and are accountable for their good and poor choices. They learn and then move on.

If you know that improving your English will open doors for you we want to be a part of your success and expedite your transformation. Check our website englishperfectus.com, or use the link in the description below to see how we can help you take your English to the next level. If you’re curious about what English fluency could mean in your life, you’e showing the next trait of high achievers. They’re inquisitive.

Inquisitive people are naturally curious. They’re people who search for answers and solutions and ultimately why things happen or why people do what they do. They strive to understand and aren’t always satisfied with the established, conventional knowledge of their field. They push forward and lead people or ideas to new ground through their ability to ask important, meaningful questions. They show a sense of purpose and are resilient in seeking answers. Being resilient is another shared characteristic of successful people.

Resilient people are able to withstand and bounce back from setbacks and difficulties. They get back up when they’re knocked down. They’re persistent in working towards their dreams and succeeding no matter what life deals them. To resilient people failures are learning experiences and not to be dwelled upon. It takes courage to be resilient, to know that you’re going to fail and relentlessly push forward anyway.

Conscientiousness, discipline, decisiveness, inquisitiveness, and resiliency are all traits you can foster within yourself, but surely aren’t the only traits that successfully ambitious people have in common. We’d love to hear your thoughts on these successful characteristics, and the one’s that we may have overlooked. Leave them in the comment section below. If you’ve liked this one please hit the thumbs up to help us out, and subscribe to see our next one. Until next time, keep learning and we’ll talk soon.

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