Private English Lessons


1 to 1, Private English Coaching to Accelerate Your English Fluency.

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Classes Tailored To You

1 to 1 Live Coaching

One to one sessions with a professional teacher for 30 or 60 minutes to ensure you're getting the highest quality time to learn.

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Personalized Curriculum

We get to know you, your goals and how you want to reach them. We tailor your English classes for you and you alone.

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Flexible Schedule

Your time is valuable. Schedule evening and weekend sessions to learn when you're free and ready to improve your English.

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Sound Familiar?


  • You want speaking practice

  • Your English has stopped progressing

  • You don't have the confidence to speak English

  • You want to develop faster

  • You want feedback but not judgement 

  • You're looking for motivation

  • You're looking for learning structure

  • You know English fluency will improve your life

Coaching From


  • 1 to 1, Private Classes

  • 30 or 60 Minutes

  • Personalized Structure

  • Scheduled When Classes Work for You

Book Lessons

English with A Focus.


We've developed a system of English learning that focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar to help you achieve fluency.


Experience the freedom to learn where you are, to prepare you for where you want to be in your personal and professional life. 


More About Us


If you've moved to an English speaking area, or want to, developing your ability to communicate in English will bring you a more fulfilling and connected life. We want to help you do this.

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 Whether you're a career professional or digital entrepreneur, improving your English proficiency is a way of creating and seizing earning opportunities. We're here to empower you.

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Access Your Free PDF:

12 Effective Strategies to Improve Your English!

12 effective strategies to help you make measurable, consistent improvements in your ability to read, write, speak and listen to English. 

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Invest in yourself.

Invest in your future.  

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